Read my story.
Product Designer.
Industrial Engineer.
People's person.
From the south of Spain.

My professional background is Industrial Engineering, upskilled towards digital product design in the last years. Despite studying one of the most difficult 5-year degrees, I have always been hungry for expanding my knowledge in other interesting fields.
The tipping point happened shortly after graduation. I attended an entrepreneurial event called Google Startup Weekend, where I pitched a business idea called Unicar. My team prototyped and presented the business plan to a jury of potential investors obtaining the 3rd prize and a positive evaluation.
Working in Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Czechia, Emirates, Italy, Iceland, Cuba, Netherlands… broadened my horizons. I knew I would make a career move towards the digital world sooner than later since most of my ideas to add value to the world have a digital component.
I bridged the gap thanks to joining a tech school in Amsterdam called Ironhack. It helped me structure the knowledge I already had, as well as learning new things and boosting my potential. I was considered one of the Top 3, and my project Gigster (The Netflix of Concerts) was selected to be presented in front of a big audience in the Hackshow. I also worked hard in two projects: one to make your e-groceries smooth and clever thanks to Machine Learning. The other one is a social app to engage Action Sports enthusiast into a meaningful community where they can keep learning, meeting new buddies, find new places to ride and keep track of their progress.
A wonderful job experience in between was working for Backroads. Leading hiking & biking trips around the world. At the same time, I had the chance to prototype the app that allows Leaders to deal with their daily tasks more efficiently, at the same time the clients can check what’s happening next.
Coming back to Amsterdam, I joined a startup called Ticketing Group as a product designer. I worked with a wonderful and talented team until corona killed the mood. After sinking, my boss dragged me into his new adventure, where we were in charge of bringing the Digital Transformation of the Leading Interactive Media company in Germany. As well, I helped a sister-company to move in the right direction with their Wildlife Camera app.
Now, it is time to do something I am really passionate about. Combining all my previous experiences, knowledge, background and hobbies in a meaningful job would be a dream come true.